Exercises with computer vs. Exercises in paper: a comparative study

Keywords: education, teaching and training, teaching methods, distance education


This article presents the results of a research in the classroom in the subject Programming I, initial course of computer programming in Systems Engineering and Computing. The research pretend to approach the impact of two methodologies of problem solving based on programming logic and the use of programming languages for its implementation. We use a qualitative perspective, as far as the students’ performance as programmers, and quantitative, in what corresponds to the qualification of the written evaluations. It has been used to structure two parallel courses, using different methodologies for solving programming problems. With the first group, a methodology was implemented based on the conceptual resolution of these problems using solutions on paper and with the other one we use resolution of problems based on the intensive use of the computer. The results show a very interesting trend that allows us to make some important inferences regarding the promotion of logic and the approach of solutions in the paper against the use of the computer and the deepening in the purely technological knowledge. Conclusions leave open doors of the discussion about the different and possible ways that the students of programming to appropriate, assimilate and apply the own knowledge of this area.

Author Biography

Omar Iván Trejos-Buriticá, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Ingeneiro de Sistemas

Esp. en Instrumentación Física

MSc en Comunicación Educativa

PhD en Ciencais de la Educación


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Author Biography

Omar Iván Trejos-Buriticá, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Ingeneiro de Sistemas

Esp. en Instrumentación Física

MSc en Comunicación Educativa

PhD en Ciencais de la Educación


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How to Cite
Trejos-Buriticá, O. I. (2018). Exercises with computer vs. Exercises in paper: a comparative study. Academia Y Virtualidad, 11(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.18359/ravi.2927
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