Assessment of Environmental Factors affecting Spatial Skills Development of 1st semester Industrial Engineering students

  • Leonardo Emiro Contreras Bravo Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá
  • Julián Alfonso Tristancho Ortiz Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá
  • Luis Fernando Vargas Tamayo Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá
Keywords: Spatial skill, Teaching, Pedagogical model, Mind rotation, Engineering drawing.


Spatial ability is one of the most important skills that an engineer, an architect or an artist should master. The conceptualizing process of an idea is the hardest stage of any creative process. Such a skill has become so vital that many authors believe its measure is critical to establish the likely academic and/or professional success, i.e. a noticeably defined type of intelligence. This paper has a description of basic concepts associated to spatial skill, showing a standardized assessment method for mind rotations, and also a statistical analysis of results for a sample of first semester students of Industrial Engineering in Francisco José de Caldas University in Bogota. The final section offers an analysis about some factors that may affect their performance and outlines feasible strategies to enable and develop spatial skill of new curricula students. It is a part of `Generation and validation of curricula for development of spatial skills of Engineering students through ICT implementation`, a project developed since August 2012.


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How to Cite
Contreras Bravo, L. E., Tristancho Ortiz, J. A., & Vargas Tamayo, L. F. (2016). Assessment of Environmental Factors affecting Spatial Skills Development of 1st semester Industrial Engineering students. Academia Y Virtualidad, 6(1), 17–32.
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