Collective and Individual Protagonism of Parents in Public Schools

Keywords: Individual and collective protagonism, Participation, Responsibility, Parents


This study presents the collective and individual protagonism of parents in the participation and responsibility in public activities. This research shows significance in gender, since there is higher participation of male parents due to the physical effort in community and school activities, as well as collective protagonism in pedagogical and organization activities of public schools to improve education. In this sense, the protagonist role of parents both collectively and individually is the generation of values in the organization and institutionalization in the public school. A non-experimental design, with a basic quantitative approach at a correlational cross-sectional level was used. In the first stage, an analysis of the parents ́ role’s factors in the school in the protagonism of their actions in the educational school was carried out. In the second, the results show different conditions intervening in the dynamics, among which the socioeconomic situation of parents in participation and responsibility in school activities excel.

Author Biographies

Luis Enrique Huaringa Tello, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctor en Educación, magíster en sicología educativa, licenciado en Educación. Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú.

Ángel Salvatierra Melgar, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctor in Educational Sciences from the National University of the Center of Peru, with studies in Statistical Mathematics by the UNMSM and Applied Statistics by the PUCP. He teaches at the main universities of the capital. He participated as a speaker at the III International Congress of Educational Transformation (Mexico 2017), Governance Conference Global Meeting (Peru 2018).

Juana María Cruz Montero, Universidad César Vallejo

Juana, Licentiate in early education, teacher in teaching and educational management, doctor in education and post-doctorate in the university University Center of Sciences and Humanities of the University of Guadalajara-Mexico, with 16 years of university teaching in the subjects of psychology, didactics, curricular programming, research methodology and thesis counseling. He presented national and international presentations. With publications in different magazines.


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Author Biographies

Luis Enrique Huaringa Tello, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctor en Educación, magíster en sicología educativa, licenciado en Educación. Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú.

Ángel Salvatierra Melgar, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctor in Educational Sciences from the National University of the Center of Peru, with studies in Statistical Mathematics by the UNMSM and Applied Statistics by the PUCP. He teaches at the main universities of the capital. He participated as a speaker at the III International Congress of Educational Transformation (Mexico 2017), Governance Conference Global Meeting (Peru 2018).

Juana María Cruz Montero, Universidad César Vallejo

Juana, Licentiate in early education, teacher in teaching and educational management, doctor in education and post-doctorate in the university University Center of Sciences and Humanities of the University of Guadalajara-Mexico, with 16 years of university teaching in the subjects of psychology, didactics, curricular programming, research methodology and thesis counseling. He presented national and international presentations. With publications in different magazines.

How to Cite
Huaringa Tello, L. E., Salvatierra Melgar, Ángel, & Cruz Montero, J. M. (2020). Collective and Individual Protagonism of Parents in Public Schools. Academia Y Virtualidad, 13(1), 50–60.


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