A look at the copyright in Colombia Law 201 of 2012

  • Hilma Ximena Fonseca Ruiz Universidad Militar Nueva Granada - UMNG
Keywords: Law, penalties, author, rights, Internet, users, suppliers


Surprised how quickly resolved a bill as controversial as some have called the law Lleras 2.0. Law governing the liability of Internet service providers against infringement of copyright users. There are voices of those who claim it is a requirement of the U.S. government following the entry into force of the FTA signed between the two countries. Various points were put forward for and against, the reality is that the public is very confused, not knowing clearly what behavior is legal and what is not, if they are committing criminal acts or if instead the performance is within the parameters allowed by the legislature. But is the real motivations behind the adoption of this law by the Congress of the Republic, the confusion about the scope of this provision is the common denominator is watching how surfers to see if rights are being violated author, What happens with downloads music and videos?, Do ISPs have a duty to remove the material published through their networks?. What event an Internet user could be deprived of liberty?, Is there criminal conduct when shared ‘links’ to other pages, such as with a social network?. The concerns are the order of the day, lack of clarity in the conduct regulated by this law has paved the way to long for a Constitutional Court ruling in order to protect and safeguard the integrity of our political charter


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How to Cite
Fonseca Ruiz, H. X. (2016). A look at the copyright in Colombia Law 201 of 2012. Academia Y Virtualidad, 4(1), 96–102. https://doi.org/10.18359/ravi.2633
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