The sense of intestinal parasitic diseases in american populations, identifying bioethical dilemmas

  • María del Pilar Díaz Murillo Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Nohora Aidée Ramírez Sánchez Universidad de la Salle
  • Samuel David Osorio García Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Medical Anthropology, Parasitic Intestinal Diseases, Health Promotion, Health Education, Primary Health Care.


Objective: Identifying meanings that American populations assign to parasitic intestinal diseases and raising potential conflicts or dilemmas in making-decision in various health activities result of the contact between traditional and biomedical perspectives. Methodology: Bibliographic review on intestinal parasites that met the inclusion criteria and supply insights for hermeneutics understanding of intestinal parasites and allow identify bioethical dilemmas for health activities resulting from contact between the emic and ethical visions (of biomedicine). Results: The social construction of parasitic intestinal diseases influences their perception of causality, harmfulness and as a health problem. This affects actions that people undertake to these diseases. People’s perception of the diseases can be different to the health professionals. Sometimes ethnoanatomy is related to beneficial effects from the parasites. People recognize risk factors but this does not necessarily lead to preventive behaviors. Some researches recognize informative education without community participation is not successful because people do not feel motivated to transform your reality. There were established various bioethical dilemmas arising from contact between emic and biomedical perspectives. Conclusions: Emic approach allows us to understand people´s logic about intestinal parasites. Although people recognize infection risks from an etic perspective, health officers’ lack of understanding of emic perspective of parasitic intestinal diseases, and the poor living conditions cannot produce changes that affect the reduction on prevalence rates. Those facts will affect the success of care, prevention, promotion and health education programs. The emic perspective is not definitely. There are a lot of infrastructural conditions that developed different conflict situations for the work of the health professionals. They can provide elements for prevention and promotion strategies and programs, but depending on the socio-economical (poverty, community participation and empowerment) and political (i.e. leadership, formal commitments) conditions can be used or not. The last conclusion is that many ethical and moral problems must be analyzed by bioethics.

Author Biographies

María del Pilar Díaz Murillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Antropóloga Universidad de Los Andes. Magister Salud Pública Universidad del Valle. Profesora Asociada, Departamento Salud Pública. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.

Nohora Aidée Ramírez Sánchez, Universidad de la Salle

Antropóloga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Socióloga, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. PhD Educación con énfasis en Mediaciones Pedagógicas, Universidad De La Salle, Costa Rica. Profesora Universidad El Bosque, Departamento de Humanidades, Bogotá.

Samuel David Osorio García, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Médico General, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Médico Salud Pública, Hospital Vista Hermosa, Bogotá.


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Bioethics, Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Environmental.



Author Biographies

María del Pilar Díaz Murillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Antropóloga Universidad de Los Andes. Magister Salud Pública Universidad del Valle. Profesora Asociada, Departamento Salud Pública. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.

Nohora Aidée Ramírez Sánchez, Universidad de la Salle

Antropóloga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Socióloga, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. PhD Educación con énfasis en Mediaciones Pedagógicas, Universidad De La Salle, Costa Rica. Profesora Universidad El Bosque, Departamento de Humanidades, Bogotá.

Samuel David Osorio García, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Médico General, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Médico Salud Pública, Hospital Vista Hermosa, Bogotá.


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How to Cite
Díaz Murillo, M. del P., Ramírez Sánchez, N. A., & Osorio García, S. D. (2013). The sense of intestinal parasitic diseases in american populations, identifying bioethical dilemmas. Revista Latinoamericana De Bioética, 13(24-1), 96–111.


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