Association Between Domestic Factors and Asthma in University Students

  • Karol de Jesus Cervantes De La Torre Universidad Libre
  • Alexander Elías Parody-Muñoz Universidad Libre
  • Tammy Pulido-Iriarte Universidad Libre
  • Rodrigo Neftalí Cortés-Zepeda Universidad de Guadalajara México
Keywords: students, respiratory hypersensitivity, respiratory diseases


Asthma is a disease that continues to increase, causing disabilities. Its origin is multifactorial,which complicates its study. The monetary expenses that derive from trying to control it have a high cost in terms of billions of dollars. this disease is not exclusive to childhood, the continuous exposition to substances of young people within their home can lead to develop the disease causing
deterioration in the quality of life. In the present study, 361 university students from 3 professional programs in a Higher Education Institution in Barranquilla were surveyed in order to determine which factors could trigger the disease. In the statistical analysis, the Chi Square test, p value and ODD ratio were performed. In the results, it was found that the factors that could probably predispose to the appearance of this disease are: the use of detergents, presenting strong emotions and contact with smoke.

Author Biographies

Karol de Jesus Cervantes De La Torre, Universidad Libre

Fisioterapeuta, Especialista en Salud Ocupacional. Mg. en Salud Pública, Ph. D. en Salud Pública, Docente de laFacultad Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Libre , Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.

Alexander Elías Parody-Muñoz, Universidad Libre

Ingeniero Industrial, MSc. en Estadística Aplicada, Docente de lsFacultad de Ingeniería, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.

Tammy Pulido-Iriarte, Universidad Libre

Fisioterapeuta, Especialista en Rehabilitación Cardiopulmonar. MSc en Salud Pública, Docente de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Libre, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.

Rodrigo Neftalí Cortés-Zepeda, Universidad de Guadalajara México

Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara México, Guadalajara; Jalisco,


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Author Biographies

Karol de Jesus Cervantes De La Torre, Universidad Libre

Fisioterapeuta, Especialista en Salud Ocupacional. Mg. en Salud Pública, Ph. D. en Salud Pública, Docente de laFacultad Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Libre , Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.

Alexander Elías Parody-Muñoz, Universidad Libre

Ingeniero Industrial, MSc. en Estadística Aplicada, Docente de lsFacultad de Ingeniería, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.

Tammy Pulido-Iriarte, Universidad Libre

Fisioterapeuta, Especialista en Rehabilitación Cardiopulmonar. MSc en Salud Pública, Docente de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Libre, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.

Rodrigo Neftalí Cortés-Zepeda, Universidad de Guadalajara México

Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara México, Guadalajara; Jalisco,


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How to Cite
Cervantes De La Torre, K. de J., Parody-Muñoz, A. E., Pulido-Iriarte, T., & Cortés-Zepeda, R. N. (2023). Association Between Domestic Factors and Asthma in University Students. Revista Med, 30(2), 43–50.


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