Role of emotions in innovative culture management

  • Maria Isabel Camio National University of Central Buenos Aires
Keywords: Innovation, Culture, Emotions, Index.


This paper is part of a wider research (Camio, 2012), which focuses on the study of culture for innovation generation and incorporates an emotional perspective in the analysis. This was a deep qualitative case study of a software’s company from Polo software of the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN) in Argentina. Its general characteristics are presented, and from fundamental assumptions and their interrelationships the guidelines for cultural paradigms identification are applied. The results from the implementation of the index of culture responsiveness level of emotional aspects related to creativity and innovation (INCEIC) are analyzed. This proposal deepens and enhances organizational culture study because the proposed operationalization methodology contributes to a proper diagnosis of individual’s creative capacity and potential to generate sustained innovation.


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How to Cite
Camio, M. I. (2014). Role of emotions in innovative culture management. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 22(2), 9–28.


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