Techno-economic paradigm of electric sector in Colombia through technological, organizational, financial and marketing innovations: case of isa s.a.

  • Ivan Dario Hernandez Umaña Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Raul Andres Avila Forero Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Evolutionism, technological gap, electrical market, innovation


This paper presents a review to historical development of electric sector in Colombia since the ends of XIX century until beginning of XXI century. The analysis is focused on the evolution of various technological innovations of organizational, fi nancial and marketing type. This paper provides a methodological advance for historical following of electric markets, which help to solve the problem of technological diffusion effect of industrialized countries toward undeveloped countries. It was examined if Colombia has had longer periods of technological diffusion and, if this process is showed in longer transition technological progress overlapping waves comparing to what happens in other more developed markets. We found that Colombia presents a delay in its technological development cycle and one fi rst technological wave is now in its maturity phase. The ISA S.A. enterprise group is taken as an example of this process


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How to Cite
Hernandez Umaña, I. D., & Avila Forero, R. A. (2009). Techno-economic paradigm of electric sector in Colombia through technological, organizational, financial and marketing innovations: case of isa s.a. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 18(1), 7–42.


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