Causes of job satisfaction in a marketing organization wholesale

  • Pedro Manuel Zayas Agüero Universidad de Holguín
  • Rafael Antonio Báez Santana Universidad de Holguín
  • Josué Zayas Feria Universidad de Holguín
  • Marianela Hernández Lobaina Universidad de Holguín
Keywords: Job satisfaction, motivation, Assessment, Perception, Positions.


This study aims to determine the factors that influence job satisfaction in a wholesale marketer, allowing to establish strategies and actions to achieve a process of continuous improvement of the organization. The methodology used techniques such as: scales, surveys, interviews and direct observation, all interrelated and proceeding to the triangulation of results. It was validated by experts the designed instruments. The statistical processing was done using the SPSS statistical software. The results of the research aspects that inhibited job satisfaction among employees as well as the predominant set of dimensions and indicators that identify the major existent inadequacies were detected.


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How to Cite
Zayas Agüero, P. M., Báez Santana, R. A., Zayas Feria, J., & Hernández Lobaina, M. (2015). Causes of job satisfaction in a marketing organization wholesale. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 23(2), 35–51.


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