Social transformations: a discussion on the body, the state figure and inclusion/exclusion

  • Valeria F Falleti UMNG
Keywords: subjectivity, body, inclusion/exclusion, social, ocesses


In times of globalization, of increasing growth as a result of new technologies, of impersonal time and space defined for the importance of the processes and for pursue of efficacy and agility, rather than for experiencing these time and space, it is in this context where we consider relevant to think about some categories and processes that are central to understand both social aspects and others related to the production of subjectivity. Taking into account the proclaimed transition from disciplinary to control societies proposed by Gilles Deleuze, the goal of this article is to consider the transformations in the body, in the state and in the inclusion/exclusion mechanisms. We discuss the notion of body in relation to the concepts of discourse, knowledge and power by Foucault in order to compare them with the idea of "body without organs" by Deleuze. The changes in the notion of state are considered using Hardt and Negri. On the other hand, the work by Luhmann allows us to think about the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in contemporary societies. Our task was to articulate these different contributions in order to think about the particularities in the social processes and the subjectivity.

Author Biography

Valeria F Falleti, UMNG

Profesora-Investigadora del Departamento de Educacióny Comunicación de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, sede Xochimilco


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Author Biography

Valeria F Falleti, UMNG

Profesora-Investigadora del Departamento de Educacióny Comunicación de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, sede Xochimilco


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How to Cite
Falleti, V. F. (2014). Social transformations: a discussion on the body, the state figure and inclusion/exclusion. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 9(2), 103–118.


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