Third world countries facing european crisis

  • Pedro Nel Páez Public administration college
  • Jorge Isaza New Granada Military University
  • Luz Amanda Zamora New Granada Military University
Keywords: Sovereign crisis, Transmission channels, Net heritage, Commercial and financial channel, Real sector.


This paper identifies transmission pathways of European crisis to the Third World countries. The paper examines how sovereign debt crisis spread across financial sector, through the major volatility asset return. This was a result of higher prices change, which had an impact on net heritage of economic agents, income, aggregate demand, credit allocation, as well as on production and employment. This document includes specialized literature and statistics of UNCTAD, CEPAL and OECD. It is concluded that European crisis transmission to Third World countries was given by specific pathways known as international trade, direct foreign investment, remittances and official assistance for development.


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How to Cite
Páez, P. N., Isaza, J., & Zamora, L. A. (2013). Third world countries facing european crisis. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 22(1), 215–230.


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