The Saharauis: the exodus of a faceless free people

  • Mayden Yolima Solano Jiménez Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


The Saharawi culture is an Arab, a Muslim and an African culture, but it has some special features. It has its origins in the Berbers - Sanhaja, who settled in the north and northwest of the African continent. With the arrival of the Arabs in this territory, the cultures of the Berbers and the Arabs mixed, allowing their cultural and ideological integration. In 1884 due to the colonization of the Sahara by Spain the region became a Spanish protectorate. In 1975, Spain left the territory in the hands of Morocco and Mauritania after the "Madrid Agreement". Because of the disagreement on the division of this territory, the Saharawi people formed the POLISARIO Front that in the name of self determination has clashes with Morocco. This conflict and its tensions have lasted 34 years and still do not have a viable solution despite the intervention of the UN.

Author Biography

Mayden Yolima Solano Jiménez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Políticos. Diplomado en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional de los Conflictos Armados. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Joven Investigadora del Instituto de Educación Superior a Distancia- INSEDI. Participa en los grupos de Investigación PIREO y PROPPIO.


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Author Biography

Mayden Yolima Solano Jiménez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Políticos. Diplomado en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional de los Conflictos Armados. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Joven Investigadora del Instituto de Educación Superior a Distancia- INSEDI. Participa en los grupos de Investigación PIREO y PROPPIO.

How to Cite
Solano Jiménez, M. Y. . (2021). The Saharauis: the exodus of a faceless free people. Academia Y Virtualidad, 2(1), 127–143. Retrieved from
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