The right of victims to the truth: a fundamental weakness of transitional justice in Colombia

  • Bibiana Rueda Rodríguez Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


This article attempt to make a reflection about the right to the truth that the victims of the Colombian conflict have within the framework of transitional justice. The article begins conceptualizing this kind of justice. In this work, it is highlighted the role of the commission of the truth within the process of reparation. In the same way, as part of this work, an analysis of the importance that the clarification of the truth and the available means for achieving it is made, always within the specific framework of the Justice and Peace Law. Finally, this article concludes that the clarification of the truth is one of the most important weakness that the Transitional Justice in Colombia has to deal with.

Author Biography

Bibiana Rueda Rodríguez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Politóloga, Magíster en Ciencia Política de la Universidad de los Andes. Docente e investigadora del Programa de Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Políticos de la UMNG. Docente catedrática de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano.


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Author Biography

Bibiana Rueda Rodríguez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Politóloga, Magíster en Ciencia Política de la Universidad de los Andes. Docente e investigadora del Programa de Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Políticos de la UMNG. Docente catedrática de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano.

How to Cite
Rueda Rodríguez, B. . (2020). The right of victims to the truth: a fundamental weakness of transitional justice in Colombia. Academia Y Virtualidad, 3(1), 191–199. Retrieved from
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