Law 99 of 1993, theory... and ¿practice?

  • Carlos Arturo Uribe Vargas Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


After accumulating millenia of experience and studies about the conditions that conform its habitat and, having acquired conscience on the necessity to preserve the most original as possible those characteristics, the human society has concluded that the greatest predator on the Earth is the same homo sapiens, raised with a lever by the destructive spirit that irresponsibly accompanies all directed actions, paradoxicalally, to improve its life style and to assure the survival of the species, attempting constantly against the existing natural balance. And the States, based on the fundamental expositions of thinkers like the logical terminists that approximately five centuries ago originated the concept of Laws, they instituted legislative bodies who have the mission of establishing regulating norms to delineate the desirable behaviors of all the actors that take part, actively or passively as managers of damages, almost always irreversible to our unique planet. This writing reviews different articles from the 1993 Law 99, that created the Ministry of the Environment of Colombia, whose pretensions, like we will be able to observe throughout these lines, are very far from constituting the panacea to all the environmental damages that has been tried to display within an extremely ambitious protocol whose executions do not have enough demanding audits to assuring the fulfillment of their praiseworthy intentions.

Author Biography

Carlos Arturo Uribe Vargas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Administrador de Empresas. Especialista en Relaciones Industriales. Especialista en Auditoría de Sistemas procesados por Computador. Especialista en Gerencia financiera sistematizada. Profesor Universitario. Director del programa Costos y Auditoría - Politécnico Gran Colombiano. Docente Asistente del Instituto Superior a Distancia de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.


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Author Biography

Carlos Arturo Uribe Vargas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Administrador de Empresas. Especialista en Relaciones Industriales. Especialista en Auditoría de Sistemas procesados por Computador. Especialista en Gerencia financiera sistematizada. Profesor Universitario. Director del programa Costos y Auditoría - Politécnico Gran Colombiano. Docente Asistente del Instituto Superior a Distancia de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.

How to Cite
Uribe Vargas, C. A. . (2020). Law 99 of 1993, theory. and ¿practice?. Academia Y Virtualidad, 3(1), 82–109. Retrieved from
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