The new wars – Some critical views about this conceptual category

  • Hugo Fernando Guerrero Sierra Universidad de la Salle Bogotá Colombia
  • Janiel David Melamed Visbal Universidad de la Salle Bogotá Colombia
Keywords: Armed conflicts, Old wars, New wars, International affairs.


The new realities of war as a social phenomenon have led to an emergence within the academic field of concept “New Wars”, which suggests war processes where traditional constituents to explain dynamics of conflicts in terms of main armed actors, motivations, its operational competence in the field and financing methods, have changed. However, the aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of war as a social phenomenon and explain recent dynamics that characterize the so-called “New Wars”, concluding that some of the features arising from this academic concept already existed before pre-modern wars or before the process of building modern states.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Sierra, H. F., & Melamed Visbal, J. D. (2016). The new wars – Some critical views about this conceptual category. Academia Y Virtualidad, 6(1), 146–156.
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