Informed consent. patients’ perception. Documents review, 1995-2013

  • María Teresa Escobar López Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


Objective: To review descriptive and analytical literature on informed consent (IC), published between 1995 and 2013; focusing on studies that show the patients’ perception of clinical care.

Methods: The investigation process consisted of reviewing descriptive and analytical literature related to informed consent, in both digital and physical formats, while focusing on studies that show the patients’ perception of clinical care. A total of 78 documents were compiled, including scientific articles, university theses, complete books, and book chapters, all published between 1995 and 2013. Taking all these into account, a spreadsheet (Excel matrix) was elaborated, including a summary, theoretical considerations, methodologies, observations and conclusions.

Results: Of the total number of documents consulted, only two studies specify a clinical care area: oncology, and just a few deal with the perception of IC in clinical patient care. The others are theoretical in their approach to IC, IC and research, or they refer to it in general terms and deal with different topics, taking into account the perception of professionals and experts. Finally, theoretical positions on perceptions are not mentioned in any of the documents, and all the documents refer to problems regarding its application and implementation. In all cases, autonomy is understood as an expression of will that needs to be applied, which is decisive for IC.

Conclusions: There are only a few studies of perception in patients and none of them explain what is understood by this concept. On the contrary, IC is generalized in the reviewed writings, which shows problems related to the application and implementation of IC.


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How to Cite
Escobar López, M. T. (2019). Informed consent. patients’ perception. Documents review, 1995-2013. Revista Med, 26(1), 72–83.


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