The post-organic condition: topic of meeting and tension between bioethics and biopolitics

  • Crisrian Galvis Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Universidad del Bosque
Keywords: Condición postorgánica, Biotecnologías, Cyborg, Bioética, Biopolítica


Digital technology has contributed to Biology mainly through the new life sciences: Molecular Biology and Genetics. These contributions have set in motion a redefinition of the human condition. Human post-evolution, defined as overcoming the limitations of the biological body, is now possible through the body’s endo-colonization with miniature devices produced by nanotechnology, and their connective expansion using intangible energy applications. It is possible to foresee a future with bodies and subjectivities with significant qualitative enhancements through developments in biotechnology and computer science. The results of the mere drift of natural selection will be made obsolete. This is nothing less than the real possibility of overcoming the human condition. Under these conditions -postmodern and posthuman, men face problems with their identity (i.e. their ontology). These problems are related to technological frenzy and computer paroxysm, whether as the possibility of a different way of being, or as alienation from men’s organic base. The task for bioethics is making decisions about the direction of this post-biological evolution. This involves decisions about restrictions to scientific research and its application: Who and under what conditions would be authorized to perform this research, and what procedures would corroborate such decisions. Processes of individual subjectification as members of a group or entrepreneurs of themselves involve unavoidable risks. These risks are inherent to the subtle techniques of the conduct of conduct involved in the management of biotechnological human capital. From a biopolitical perspective, this relates to the private management of risk, and the emergence of a subjectivity committed to its effective administration, which optimizes genetic capital as part of one’s own human capital. In turn, a logic of privatization of destiny is reinforced: an obligation to care for the body that is circumscribed by the market forces that make it feasible.

Author Biography

Crisrian Galvis, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Universidad del Bosque

Médico Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista y Magister en Bioética Universidad el Bosque. Profesor Universidad Militar Nueva Granada y Universidad el Bosque.


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Bioethics, Social Sciences, Medical Sciences



Author Biography

Crisrian Galvis, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Universidad del Bosque

Médico Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista y Magister en Bioética Universidad el Bosque. Profesor Universidad Militar Nueva Granada y Universidad el Bosque.


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How to Cite
Galvis, C. (2013). The post-organic condition: topic of meeting and tension between bioethics and biopolitics. Revista Latinoamericana De Bioética, 13(24-1), 50–63.


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