Political participation and territorial institutional quality in colombia

  • Wilmer Javier Ríos Piñerez Catholic University of Colombia
Keywords: Institutional quality, Local development, Political participation, Political culture, Cognitive synergy.


This paper aims to test the hypothesis that community’s active participation improves local resources management. In this sense, the study explores if individual’s political participation in a local authority is related to educational services quality provided by such entities. To this end, a model which explains individual’s self-reported satisfaction with educational services provided by local authorities is adjusted based on the availability of participation resources and rates of local politics. To measure political participation level and concentration by departments, two indices were design which are explained by variables indicating individuals’ political culture and democracy levels and variables related to resources availability. The results showed that besides resources availability, the political participation concentration influences educational services quality provided by local authorities. This supports the hypothesis of a synergistic and nonlinear relationship between resources availability, political structures and institutional quality.


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How to Cite
Ríos Piñerez, W. J. (2013). Political participation and territorial institutional quality in colombia. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 22(1), 9–22. https://doi.org/10.18359/rfce.634


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