¿Son necesarios los códigos de ética para los profesionales?

  • Jaime Alberto Correa Amaya Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


The ethics is a science that has as objecto the study of moral, which invites to carry out reflections from the axiology about the importance of putting into the daily life practice a code of professional ethics, that invites to the reflection about the importance of working in the well-being of the community, maintaining the respect to the duties and rights of each profession and the people service from their exercise and professional actions.

The present work seeks to generate reflections arround these ideas keeping in mind the viability of an universal ethic that allows the healthy coexistence among the human beings. For it concludes with the invitation to keep in mind the objectivity that offers the ethics as a science and as a topic of analysis being's daily life that anyway, from their personal experiences, it applies their knowledge in subjective ways to the interpretation that it makes of the reality.

Author Biography

Jaime Alberto Correa Amaya, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Docente facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de humanidades. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.


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Author Biography

Jaime Alberto Correa Amaya, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Docente facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de humanidades. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.

How to Cite
Correa Amaya, J. A. (2003). ¿Son necesarios los códigos de ética para los profesionales?. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 11(2), 47–50. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimilitar.edu.co/index.php/rfce/article/view/4939


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