An Approach to the Internationalization Process of Tourism Enterprises

  • Jesús Arteaga Ortiz Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • David Daniel Peña Miranda Universidad del Magdalena
  • Alfonso P. Fernández del Hoyo Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Keywords: Psychic Distance, Cultural Distance, Uppsala Model, FDI, Tourism


The main objective of this research is to understand and forecast with greater accuracy the dynamics of internationalization in the tourism sector, focusing on the effects of two major factors influencing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: cultural distance and psychic distance, along with the application of one of the most widely used theories in this field, the Uppsala model. Within this theoretical framework, the study explains how tourism enterprises choose to invest in specific geographic locations over others. While numerous studies exist on internationalization regarding cultural distance, psychic distance, and the Uppsala model, the novelty of this work lies in its integrative approach that combines these three conceptual elements in its analysis of the tourism sector. This integration contributes to a deeper understanding of the behavioral patterns of this globally significant sector. Specifically, statistical analyses were conducted on tourism fdi flows data over the last 25 years in Spain. The results suggest that the tourism industry follows the Uppsala internationalization model. Consequently, it gradually shifts from countries with low psychic distance to those with higher distance as experience is gained. By identifying the levels of psychic distance in emerging tourism countries, strategists should be able to predict the direction of FDI in
the coming years.

Author Biographies

Jesús Arteaga Ortiz, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Doctor en economía y dirección de empresas. Catedrático de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Las Palmas, España.

David Daniel Peña Miranda, Universidad del Magdalena

Doctor en turismo. Profesor de la Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.

Alfonso P. Fernández del Hoyo, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Doctor en economía de la empresa. Profesor de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, España.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Arteaga Ortiz, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Doctor en economía y dirección de empresas. Catedrático de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Las Palmas, España.

David Daniel Peña Miranda, Universidad del Magdalena

Doctor en turismo. Profesor de la Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.

Alfonso P. Fernández del Hoyo, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Doctor en economía de la empresa. Profesor de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, España.


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How to Cite
Arteaga Ortiz, J., Peña Miranda, D. D., & Fernández del Hoyo, A. P. (2023). An Approach to the Internationalization Process of Tourism Enterprises. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 31(2), 117–136.


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