The Effect of the Educational Game, Reading-Writing-Game and Reading-Writing-Application Methods on Students' Social Skills, Attitudes Towards Science Course and School

  • Emre Yıldız Atatürk University


Research in the literature predominantly focuses on the academic development of students. However, the affective characteristics of students and their ability to work in different ways impact their learning. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the effects of various teaching methods on the development of affective factors. This study aims to investigate the impact of educational game (eg), reading-writing-games (rwg), and reading-writing-application (rwa) methods on students’ attitudes towards science lesson, social skills, and attitudes towards school. A quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest comparison groups was employed. The research involved 163 5th-grade students from middle school. Data collection utilized science course attitude scale, social skills scale, and attitude scale towards school. Dependent groups t-test and one-way anova were employed for the analysis. The results indicated that eg, rwg, and rwa methods are statistically significant enhancing students’ social skills, attitudes towards science courses, and attitudes towards school. eg, rwg, and rwa methods can be applied to improve the social skills and attitudes of students with low social skills and negative attitudes towards the course or school.

Biografia do Autor

Emre Yıldız, Atatürk University

Ph.D., Atatürk University Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education Department of Science Education, Erzurum, Turkey. Associate Professor.


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Biografia do Autor

Emre Yıldız, Atatürk University

Ph.D., Atatürk University Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education Department of Science Education, Erzurum, Turkey. Associate Professor.


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Como Citar
Yıldız, E. (2023). The Effect of the Educational Game, Reading-Writing-Game and Reading-Writing-Application Methods on Students’ Social Skills, Attitudes Towards Science Course and School. Academia Y Virtualidad, 16(2), 81–102.


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