Bioethical tensions and principles applicable to the medical mission: are there limits in the fulfillment of duty?


The present article of reflection aims to identify the bioethical principles applicable to the ten-sions faced by the Medical Mission in areas of armed conflict, in addition to the limitations that exist to achieve the fulfillment of the duty. It starts from the concepts related to the various ca-tegories of principles and the currents that originate them, and it  goes through the problems that  the  Medical  Mission  faces  and  its  relation  to  the  principles,  which  are  exercised  within  the  framework  of  values  as  protection  of  the  life,  human  dignity,  neutrality,  and  vulnerabili-ty. This raises the need to reflect on the tensions of bioethical order, which could be mediated by the weighting of opposing principles, a challenge that transcends clinical bioethics and that has to do with interaction spaces, involving decisions; which are not based on the dilemma, but on  the  tension  that  confrontation  exerts.  In  the  present  text,  it  is  argued  that  bioethical  ten-sions and bioethical principles constitute two ways, on the one hand, to understand and on the other, to explain how they influence the phenomena of armed confrontation, in the interven-tions they give in care scenarios in healthcare

Author Biography

Gloria Omaira Bautista Espinel, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Enfermera Magister en dirección de proyectos, especialista en Práctica Pedagógica Universitaria; especialista en Gerencia en Salud; especialista en Gestión Aplicada en Salud; estudiante VII semestre del Doctorado de Bioética de la Universidad El Bosque; docente del Programa de Enfermería de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia). Correo:


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Author Biography

Gloria Omaira Bautista Espinel, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Enfermera Magister en dirección de proyectos, especialista en Práctica Pedagógica Universitaria; especialista en Gerencia en Salud; especialista en Gestión Aplicada en Salud; estudiante VII semestre del Doctorado de Bioética de la Universidad El Bosque; docente del Programa de Enfermería de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia). Correo:
How to Cite
Bautista Espinel, G. O. (2017). Bioethical tensions and principles applicable to the medical mission: are there limits in the fulfillment of duty?. Revista Latinoamericana De Bioética, 18(34-1), 136–154.


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