Strategic Thinking and The Changing Matrix of Conflicts


This work delves into strategic thinking and aims to reinforce three ideas already known but may have been somewhat overlooked in the contemporary era. The first idea is associated to the unique and unrepeatable nature of the conflicts. The second emphasizes that strategic responses should be distinctive, creative, disruptive, and original. The third underscores that rapid technological evolution, along with its political, economic, social and military consequences, does not seem to negate the importance of state for both civil and military decision-makers. On the contrary, it demands that state actor conceive original and context specific strategic solutions tailored to a given time and space. These strategies should not be mere replicas of those employed by other actors, even though one might argue that there is prevailing trend towards the mass and technique of conflict, which could marginalize other variables and options. War remains a “chameleon,” continually altering its character. In today’s landscape, technology combines with both state and non-state actors, diversifying the available means and expanding the domains volumetrically. Despite these changes, the moral element and will continue to exert influence on armed conflicts. A case in point is the ongoing situation in Russia and Ukraine, where individuals defending their territory demonstrate tenacity, tactical skill, and strategic genius. The methodology employed in this work is qualitative presenting a descriptive and explanatory article while adopting a prescriptive tone by recommending a renewed examination of classical authors alongside more contemporary ones.



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How to Cite
Motta, G. J. L. (2024). Strategic Thinking and The Changing Matrix of Conflicts. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 19(1), 31–46.


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