Analysis of the Twinning Agreement between the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Olmedo Canton and the city of Newark (New Jersey), United States, from the Perspective of Paradiplomacy

  • Arturo José Bravo Jiménez Flacso, Ecuador


Foreign policy encompasses a broad spectrum of analysis regarding the relationships between governmental and non-governmental political actors, among others. Such is the case in this study, which explains the twinning agreement between the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Olmedo canton and the City of Newark (New Jersey), leading to outcomes such as the connection between subnational state actors without the main intervention of the State. To achieve this, an exploratory study was conducted through a documentary review that allowed the extraction and analysis of the most important elements of paradiplomacy, based on the following research questions: What factors explain the twinning agreement between the Olmedo canton and the City of Newark? and What was the dynamic of the relationship between these actors? Five factors were analyzed, helping to discuss the twinning between both subnational governments: autonomy and decentralizations, economic and commercial interests, promotion of cultural identity, border networks, and sources of funding. Additionally, elements of governmental structure, economic activity, and political action were studied to understand the context of the relationship between Olmedo and Newark. Finally, paradiplomacy in this case study has been revealed as a key tool for strengthening international relations and developing activities in the political, social, cultural, and economic spheres.

Author Biography

Arturo José Bravo Jiménez , Flacso, Ecuador

Maestro en relaciones internacionales, con mención en economía regional y global. Investigador independiente, Loja, Ecuador.


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Author Biography

Arturo José Bravo Jiménez , Flacso, Ecuador

Maestro en relaciones internacionales, con mención en economía regional y global. Investigador independiente, Loja, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Bravo Jiménez , A. J. (2023). Analysis of the Twinning Agreement between the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Olmedo Canton and the city of Newark (New Jersey), United States, from the Perspective of Paradiplomacy. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 18(2), 33–42.


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