Perceived risk dimensions in the decision making process of choosing a private health plan: a case study

  • Luciene Eberle Caxias Do Sul From University
  • Gabriel Sperandio Milan Caxias Do Sul From University
  • Deonir De Toni Caxias Do Sul From University
Keywords: Perceived Risk, Decision making process, Perceived valu, Health Plan.


This study seeks to identify perceived risk dimensions that may be decisive for choosing a health plan when purchasing. A survey was applied to 216 respondents through factor analysis, the group of 28 attributes was condensed into 4 factors, which represented a rate of explanation of 61.08%. It was concluded that perceived risk dimensions identification can help healthcare companies to prioritize actions, considering customers perception, in terms of decreasing the uncertainty and loss perception in the services offered.


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How to Cite
Eberle, L., Milan, G. S., & De Toni, D. (2013). Perceived risk dimensions in the decision making process of choosing a private health plan: a case study. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 22(1), 49–61.


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