El prefacio de una investigación sobre terrorismo y el ahorro interno

  • Desiderio López Niño Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


In Colombia from second half of the eighty come more presenting/displaying acts from terro­rism than of armed conflict, and it is attempted against the civil populace and non conventio­nal arms are used, generating uncertainty and affecting the programs of entailment of private capital in the financing projects. The Colombian economy like the other economies in develop­ment, is vulnerable to exogenous phenomena, which merit to create a preventive mattress against uncertain events. The internal saving can be a route. Then a question, arises: How is the behavior of the economic agents in front of the internal saving in an economic, political and social context, affected by the terrorism?

In order to salve the question, it is required to develop an investigation from the Literature of the economic development, that can be supported in the neoinstitutional economic theory, school in which Douglas North (Nobel 1993) and Herbert Simon (Nobel 1976). The neoinstitucionalismo applies to the categories and instruments of the conventional economy, but it goes further on studying the paper of the institutions, the norms, the values and the culture of the inter­ change. The studies made in Colombia on the determinants of the saving differ in the method for their calculation, but they agree in omitting the analysis of theterrorism that lives Colombia. All that motivates to develop an investigation on the way that the terrorist acts affect the internal saving.

Author Biography

Desiderio López Niño, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Vicedecano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


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Author Biography

Desiderio López Niño, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Vicedecano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

How to Cite
López Niño, D. (2004). El prefacio de una investigación sobre terrorismo y el ahorro interno. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 13(1), 9–18. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimilitar.edu.co/index.php/rfce/article/view/4790


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