Biomedical research, economic interests and journalistic disclosure

Keywords: Biomedical research, ethics, science, economic interests, journalistic disclosure


This article pretends to affirm that all research, especially the biomedical, to be precisely such, must have an ethical dimension. And it enjoys this dimension as long as it goes to the benefit of the human being himself. Without it, we cannot speak of progress in biomedical research. Then, it can only be called “progress” if we speak of an investigation that will benefit each of the human beings. That is, biomedical research must be translated into an advance of the human being into humanity. But unfortunately many times this does not happen. It is called biomedical research to everything, regardless of whether or not it has an ethical dimension, considered as an external instance to it.

This dimension, inserted in the biomedical research itself, is replaced by other interests, especially of an economic nature, especially in artificial human reproduction. So the social media echoes this type of studies in biomedicine.  But often the media  seek more the emotions of the viewer than their responsibility to convey news strictly and truthfulness.

Author Biography

Roberto Germán Zurriaráin, Profesor de la Universidad de La Rioja


Departamente de Ciencias de la Educación

Profesor Asociado


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Author Biography

Roberto Germán Zurriaráin, Profesor de la Universidad de La Rioja


Departamente de Ciencias de la Educación

Profesor Asociado


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How to Cite
Germán Zurriaráin, R. (2017). Biomedical research, economic interests and journalistic disclosure. Revista Latinoamericana De Bioética, 17(33-2), 51–62.
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