Reflections on ethics in Indigenous health research in Chile

  • Angeline Ferdinand University of Melbourne
  • Ana María Oyarce Universidad de Chile
  • Margaret Kelaher Universidad de Melbourne
  • Ian Anderson Universidad de Melbourne
Keywords: Bioethics, research, Indigenous, Mapuche


The article aims to reflect on the creation of a more solid ethical research infrastructure in relation to Indigenous health research in Chile. It presents an ethical research framework that aims to support a more equitable and collaborative relationship between academics and Indigenous communities, which may lead to more relevant research and increased benefits for communities in accordance with bioethical research principles. We use international experiences to inform consideration of how ethical Indigenous health research infrastructure could be established in the Chilean context. We then present the development and adoption of guidelines for ethical Indigenous health research and orientation towards collaborative and community-led research as mechanisms that may assist in achieving these aims.

Author Biographies

Ana María Oyarce, Universidad de Chile


Doctora en Antropología

Margaret Kelaher, Universidad de Melbourne
Doctora en Salud Pública
Ian Anderson, Universidad de Melbourne
Doctor en Salud Pública


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Author Biographies

Ana María Oyarce, Universidad de Chile


Doctora en Antropología

Margaret Kelaher, Universidad de Melbourne
Doctora en Salud Pública
Ian Anderson, Universidad de Melbourne
Doctor en Salud Pública


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How to Cite
Ferdinand, A., Oyarce, A. M., Kelaher, M., & Anderson, I. (2018). Reflections on ethics in Indigenous health research in Chile. Revista Latinoamericana De Bioética, 18(35-2), 162–184.


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