Failed states? or the impossibility to constitute the modern nation-state

  • Flabián Nievas Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Carolina Sampó Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad Nacional de la Matanza
Keywords: Failed states, nation state, legitimacy, international security


There is some consensus that the existence of Failed States generates instability in the international system since they appear to facilitate the settlement of transnational criminal organizations that use their territories to develop and increase their business. However, the inclusion of many different cases in this category force a review not only of the concept but also of the idea that lays behind it, the conception of modern nation-state. Hence the objective of this paper is to discuss the scope of the concept of failed state, considering that the modern nation state has found strong difficulties for its consolidation in many parts of the world. During the research we ask ourselves if it is possible to link inseparably the State and the nation or whether they should be treated as separate concepts that are sometimes together. In the same line: Are the states the ones that fail or is the construction of the nation-state which has never materialized? What is the role of international recognition of the state in this kind of conceptualization?There is some consensus that the existence of Failed States generates instability in the international system since they appear to facilitate the settlement of transnational criminal organizations that use their territories to develop and increase their business. However, the inclusion of many different cases in this category force a review not only of the concept but also of the idea that lays behind it, the conception of modern nation-state. Hence the objective of this paper is to discuss the scope of the concept of failed state, considering that the modern nation state has found strong difficulties for its consolidation in many parts of the world. During the research we ask ourselves if it is possible to link inseparably the State and the nation or whether they should be treated as separate concepts that are sometimes together. In the same line: Are the states the ones that fail or is the construction of the nation-state which has never materialized? What is the role of international recognition of the state in this kind of conceptualization?

Author Biographies

Flabián Nievas, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Licenciado en Sociología (UBA). Es Profesor titular en la UBA e investigador independiente de CONICET.
Carolina Sampó, Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad Nacional de la Matanza
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Magister en Estudios Internacionales por la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella y Licenciada en Ciencia Política (UBA). Es docente en la UBA y en la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLAM)


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Author Biographies

Flabián Nievas, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Licenciado en Sociología (UBA). Es Profesor titular en la UBA e investigador independiente de CONICET.
Carolina Sampó, Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad Nacional de la Matanza
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Magister en Estudios Internacionales por la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella y Licenciada en Ciencia Política (UBA). Es docente en la UBA y en la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLAM)


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How to Cite
Nievas, F., & Sampó, C. (2016). Failed states? or the impossibility to constitute the modern nation-state. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 11(1), 103–119.


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