The Relevance of Colombia in the Pacific

Analysis of the Sustainable Bioceanic Power Policy for the year 2030

  • Carol Zuluaga Escuela Superior de Guerra


The dynamism of the International System requires the State to have a strategy to ensure its survival and prosperity. Many times, this condition is not achieved and is created the perception that some States are trying to survive the conjuncture. Colombia, for many reasons, belongs to that group. Therefore, when the policy of being a sustainable bi-oceanic power by 2030 was presented in 2020, there was a sign of wanting to reconfigure capacities to be more influential in the international arena. However, its novelty requires an analysis to determine if the strategy proposed by the government is viable. To do this, a theoretical line will first be made between the pillars of: power, sea power and strategy; then, it will proceed to relate the postulates of the Policy alongside with the theory; thirdly, the strategic axes will be analyzed for its execution and the comparison between both oceans to determine if the Pacific may be the key to achieving the status of bioceanic power; Finally, an analysis of the actors that could represent an advantage for Colombia and a proposal to contribute to the objective of being a sustainable bi-oceanic power by 2030.

Author Biography

Carol Zuluaga, Escuela Superior de Guerra

Magíster en estrategia y geopolítica, Escuela Superior de Guerra.


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Author Biography

Carol Zuluaga, Escuela Superior de Guerra

Magíster en estrategia y geopolítica, Escuela Superior de Guerra.


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How to Cite
Zuluaga, C. (2022). The Relevance of Colombia in the Pacific : Analysis of the Sustainable Bioceanic Power Policy for the year 2030. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 17(2), 35–53.


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