Economic Effects of Investment in Defense Research and Development and its Impact on Productivity in Developed Countries

Keywords: Defense Industry Technology, Research and Development (R&D), Value-Added Industries, High Technology, Competitiveness


This work is based on the hypothesis that a country’s technological development and innovation in the security and defense sector is a critical factor for developing high-tech industries and thus promoting the country’s competitiveness. This research seeks to establish a correlation between defense economics (DE), security investments in research and development (R & R&D), and the generation of value-added products in high-tech industries from 2009 to 2018, based on models used in the United States, China, and Japan. Quantitative, descriptive, and non-experimental research was implemented to conduct a statistical verification. This contributed to determining the connection between value-added productivity (VAP) indicators related to investments in R&D, the Competitiveness Index, value-added industries, and high-technology exports creating a correlation between the DE indicator and investments in research discovering positive relationships among these variables.

Author Biographies

Guillermo Alfonso Giraldo Martinez, FAC

Ph.D. candidate in Technology Management and Innovation, Universidad de Queretaro, Master in Business Administration,Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Technology and Innovation vice-principal For Colombian Air Force(FAC), Bogotá,Colombia.

Jimmy Anderson Flórez Zuluaga, FAC

Ph.D. in engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Master in information and communication technologies-Specialist in security and national defense. Researcher of the Organizational World research group of the Remington University Corporation, Medellin, Colombia. Civil Aviation Advisor.

Diego Fernando Morante Granobles, FAC

Ph.D. in Technological Management and Innovation, Master in Industrial Engineering. Professor and researcher at the Colombian Air Force Military Aviation School (EMAVI), Cali, Colombia.

Jhon Fredy Escobar Soto, Corporación Universitaria Remington

Ph.D. in Administration, Master in Technological Management, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Researcher leader of the Organizational World research group of the Remington University Corporation, Bogotá, Colombia


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Author Biographies

Guillermo Alfonso Giraldo Martinez, FAC

Ph.D. candidate in Technology Management and Innovation, Universidad de Queretaro, Master in Business Administration,Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Technology and Innovation vice-principal For Colombian Air Force(FAC), Bogotá,Colombia.

Jimmy Anderson Flórez Zuluaga, FAC

Ph.D. in engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Master in information and communication technologies-Specialist in security and national defense. Researcher of the Organizational World research group of the Remington University Corporation, Medellin, Colombia. Civil Aviation Advisor.

Diego Fernando Morante Granobles, FAC

Ph.D. in Technological Management and Innovation, Master in Industrial Engineering. Professor and researcher at the Colombian Air Force Military Aviation School (EMAVI), Cali, Colombia.

Jhon Fredy Escobar Soto, Corporación Universitaria Remington

Ph.D. in Administration, Master in Technological Management, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Researcher leader of the Organizational World research group of the Remington University Corporation, Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite
Giraldo Martinez, G. A., Flórez Zuluaga, J. A., Morante Granobles, D. F., & Escobar Soto, J. F. (2023). Economic Effects of Investment in Defense Research and Development and its Impact on Productivity in Developed Countries. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 31(1), 13–29.


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