Study of the Detection Capability of a GPR System using Wavelets in a Dry Clayey Terrain

  • Javier Andrés Ledezma Ríos Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: Wavelet Signals, Correlation, GPR


Electromagnetic waves can provide information about certain situations, but the loss of energy, due to contact or penetration into surfaces, can alter information data when waves are influenced by the relative permittivity of the medium and the dielectric constant of some materials. Therefore, for detection purposes, it becomes necessary to investigate other types of signals that do
not result in information loss when used for detection in terrains with particular characteristics. In this research work, the detection capability of a gpr system using wavelet-type signals is analyzed. Wavelets are well-known as a signal analysis tool. The result is that wavelet-type signals can identify underground objects when transmitted and received under amplitude, correlation, and signal penetration depth analysis.

Author Biography

Javier Andrés Ledezma Ríos, Universidad del Cauca

Magíster en ingeniería electrónica y telecomunicaciones e ingeniero físico. Universidad del Cauca, Popayán,Colombia.


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Author Biography

Javier Andrés Ledezma Ríos, Universidad del Cauca

Magíster en ingeniería electrónica y telecomunicaciones e ingeniero físico. Universidad del Cauca, Popayán,Colombia.


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How to Cite
Ledezma Ríos, J. A. (2023). Study of the Detection Capability of a GPR System using Wavelets in a Dry Clayey Terrain. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Básicas, 18(1), 107–137.


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