Flower resources used by the native Bombus atratus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) bumblebee under greenhouse and open field conditions in the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia

Keywords: Bumblebee keeping, Palynology, Pollen loads, Pollination, Bee-plant interaction


The Bombus atratus native bumblebee is an important pollinator of agricultural interest crops. The study of their biology and their breeding in captivity has been the research topic of our group for more than a decade. Until now, the sources of food resources used by the colonies raised under the protocol of the research group were unknown, which is why this work was carried out. Colonies were located in the greenhouse and in the open field. A total of 105 pollen loads from worker corbiculae were collected: 85 from the greenhouse condition and twenty from the open field condition, which were processed using the acid acetolysis method. Thirty-six pollen types were identified, fifteen of which were named as important sources of pollen and nectar in the diet of B. atratus. 42% of the diet is made up of species of the Solanaceae family, 26% of the Myrtaceae family and 25% of different species of arvenses. The colonies located both in the open field and in the greenhouse share most of the sources of flower resources, however, some resources were more exploited than others due to their availability in each area. The flower resources that were most frequently found within the pollen loads were: Brassica rapa L., Raphanus sativus L., Trifolium repens L., Trifolium pratense L., Eucalyptus globulus Labill, Solanum quitoense Lam. y Solanum lycopersicum L.

Author Biographies

Sandy Carolina Padilla Báez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Magíster en Biología. Bióloga, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá D. C., Colombia.

Claudia Inês da Silva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Doctora en Ecología y Conservación de Recursos Naturales por la Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba, Brasil.

José Ricardo Cure Hakim, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá, Colombia.


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Author Biographies

Sandy Carolina Padilla Báez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Magíster en Biología. Bióloga, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá D. C., Colombia.

Claudia Inês da Silva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Doctora en Ecología y Conservación de Recursos Naturales por la Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba, Brasil.

José Ricardo Cure Hakim, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite
Padilla Báez, S. C., da Silva, C. I., & Cure Hakim, J. R. (2021). Flower resources used by the native Bombus atratus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) bumblebee under greenhouse and open field conditions in the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia. Revista Facultad De Ciencias Básicas, 16(1), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.18359/rfcb.4710


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