Official curricular approaches: the loss of credibility

  • Wilmar Javier Díaz Santamaría
Keywords: Analysis, education project, teacher researcher, credibility, theories, reality


The humanities as a mainstreaming element can generate in universities spaces for reflection and analysis, in order to address various priorities over time can become chronic and affect the social. Credibility seems to be a devalued concept, nor anyone believes anyone personally or institutionally, so it is necessary to find the origin of this rupture. There has been a talk of education quality, coverage, technologies, but the issue of credibility in educational institutions does not seem to be of greater importance. That is why those points demonstrate institutional intervention, as is the subject of this micro-year research, is to take a look at the official curriculum of the educational institution. By analyzing the PEI, some views of members of the institution as managers, teachers, students and finally considering some authors that give weight and depth to the reflection, so that it does not remain a mere casuistry. For this, it starts in the hypothesis that the teacher-researcher must worry about every day expand the theoretical basis that enrich his speech, as a way to streamline the processes of education that are responsible.

Author Biography

Wilmar Javier Díaz Santamaría

Licenciado en Filosofía, de la Universidad de San Buenaventura y magíster en Docencia, de la Universidad de La Salle. Docente de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.


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Author Biography

Wilmar Javier Díaz Santamaría

Licenciado en Filosofía, de la Universidad de San Buenaventura y magíster en Docencia, de la Universidad de La Salle. Docente de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.


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How to Cite
Díaz Santamaría, W. J. (2015). Official curricular approaches: the loss of credibility. Education and Social Development Journal, 9(2), 178–191.
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