Learning styles. the importance of visualization in geometry

  • Adriana Schilardi
Keywords: Learning style, simulation, visualization


The aim of this project was to help engineering students improve their comprehension of Geometry concepts by letting them work in a virtual classroom. First, students were administered the Felder-Silverman Test so as to determine their predominant learning style. The results showed that students exhibit a marked tendency towards receiving input visually, and this information was used to prepare teaching material where semiotic representation would be of primary importance. The activities suggested were also based on e-learning ones, like simulators, in order to facilitate Geometry concept-forming.

Author Biography

Adriana Schilardi

Docente investigadora en la FRM de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina). Magister Profesora de Matemática


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Author Biography

Adriana Schilardi

Docente investigadora en la FRM de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina). Magister Profesora de Matemática


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How to Cite
Schilardi, A. (2013). Learning styles. the importance of visualization in geometry. Education and Social Development Journal, 8(1), 148–161. https://doi.org/10.18359/reds.563
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