Assessments’ instruments in the curricular design in the improvement of air technicians of the ecuadorian air force

  • César Julio Quinga Suárez Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana - Universidad De Nariño
Keywords: Instruments, evaluation, design, curriculum, improvement and military


This article presents of evaluation tools in curriculum design based on skills in the improvement of Air technicians of the Ecuadorian Air Force, through different tools for collecting of information for a continuous improvement of the process. The assessment of evaluation involves a radical change to the traditional evaluation. It is focused on the content, worrying about in the theoretical part of the definition of memorization and the control that takes places at the end of the educational process. Therefore, the approach based on skills let to begin a transformation, which gives a origin to the application of instruments, providing information in the process. It consists of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment. So, the evaluation allows an immediately reorientation and planning in the improving. Its unique objective is to achieve the planned skills and the end of the course. However, the evaluation goes beyond a grade of qualification or measurement. The evaluation let to determine if the human talent, who finds in the learning and teaching process has managed with the academic performance, and shows the mastery of skills. (Arana M., 2004). It reflects the development of knowledge be, know and know how in the process of their activities inside and outside of the military, professional and social context.

Author Biography

César Julio Quinga Suárez, Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana - Universidad De Nariño

Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana - Universidad De Nariño. Estudiante de doctorado.


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Author Biography

César Julio Quinga Suárez, Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana - Universidad De Nariño

Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana - Universidad De Nariño. Estudiante de doctorado.


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How to Cite
Quinga Suárez, C. J. (2015). Assessments’ instruments in the curricular design in the improvement of air technicians of the ecuadorian air force. Education and Social Development Journal, 8(1), 118–133.
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