The right of specially protected groups to inclusive higher education

  • Margaret S Gómez Fonteche Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Keywords: higher education, rights, access, population, special protection, inclusion


This article reports on the progress of the research project “Higher Education as a Fundamental Right,” based on the study of specially protected groups in Colombia, which corresponds to the current characterization of education as a fundamental right, since the constitution of 1991. In 1991`s constitution, the pluriethnic and multicultural nature of Colombian nationality is recognized, by citing constitutional principles, the preponderance of human rights and the protection to specific parts of Colombian population. This is why we talk about higher education inclusion, which is a trend based on the rights approach that promotes education for all, regardless the condition or situation of young people or adults. This encourages States to eliminate barriers and forms of discrimination that prevent specially protected groups from accessing higher education. We must recognize that although ours is a plural society, exclusion and discrimination are realities present in education. Inclusion calls to break away from excluding others because of their ethnic background, religion, gender, culture, sexual orientation, etc., by eliminating paradigms that generate  inequality, which will allow those groups to access higher education, not only in terms of entering it but also of staying and successfully completing their studies.

Author Biography

Margaret S Gómez Fonteche, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Egresada del programa de Derecho de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia


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Author Biography

Margaret S Gómez Fonteche, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Egresada del programa de Derecho de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia


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How to Cite
Gómez Fonteche, M. S. (2014). The right of specially protected groups to inclusive higher education. Education and Social Development Journal, 9(1), 10–27.
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