Detail of the Geometric Information for the Levels of Information in the 3D Model (LOD) for Urban Road Infrastructure Projects in Bogotá, D.C.

  • Juan Sebastián Calixto Hernández Universidad de la Salle
Keywords: BIM, Level of Detail (LOD), Infrastructure, Project life cycle, BIM Contract Annex, Geometric information


Currently, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology has gained special relevance in the infrastructure sector, to the point that various government entities have chosen to develop work plans to achieve BIM objectives, with the aim of optimizing construction and design processes. This is relatively new in the capital district, leading the Urban Development Institute (IDU) to take relevant actions since 2020. However, in the process of incorporating the requirements that different projects must meet, some aspects still need to be defined, such as the geometric levels of information (LOD) for each of the entities that are part of the components in different phases of the project. The IDU documents establish specific lods for each project phase but not for each geometric entity. Therefore, this article identifies the products developed for each design phase of a project based on the IDU Project Maturation Guide and correlates them with the lod established by the BIM Contract Annex V.5. It concludes that it is necessary to separate design components by entities since each of these corresponds to a different LOD, even for the same design phase.

Author Biography

Juan Sebastián Calixto Hernández, Universidad de la Salle

Magíster en ingeniería civil, Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, Colombia.


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Author Biography

Juan Sebastián Calixto Hernández, Universidad de la Salle

Magíster en ingeniería civil, Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, Colombia.


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Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano, IDU, "Construcción para la Adecuación al Sistema Transmilenio de la Avenida Congreso Eucarístico (Carrera 68) desde la Carrera 9 hasta la Autopista Sur y Obras Complementarias en Bogotá, D.C. Anexo 1 - Anexo Técnico", 2019.

Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano, IDU, "Construcción para la Adecuación al Sistema Transmilenio de la Troncal Avenida Ciudad de Cali Tramo 1 - entre la Avenida Circunvalar del Sur y la Avenida Manuel Cepeda Vargas y Obras Complementarias en Bogotá D.C, Protocolo BIM", 2020.

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How to Cite
Calixto Hernández, J. S. (2023). Detail of the Geometric Information for the Levels of Information in the 3D Model (LOD) for Urban Road Infrastructure Projects in Bogotá, D.C. Ciencia E Ingenieria Neogranadina, 33(2), 99–117.


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