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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is original, has not been published or submitted to other journals or conferences.
  • The theme, the typology and the language correspond to the current call for paper (See announcements section).
  • I certify that all the authors of this article are added to the OJS and I am aware that afterwards I cannot add more.
  • Long as it is possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text brings the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in guidelines for the author / a, in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines


Instructions for authors

Copyright transfer agreement 





Author’s name 1

B.S. Studies, Postgraduate Studies, Dep. Name of organization,

Author’s institutional affiliation

City, Country,

Author’s institutional e-mail


Author’s name 2

B.S. Studies, Postgraduate Studies, Dep. Name of organization,

Author’s institutional affiliation

City, Country,

Author’s institutional e-mail



This document provides a guide for preparing their contributions for the Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina Journal. The Title has to be written in capital letter, 20 point bold Arial font and centered at the top of the first page, having a maximum length of 15 words and clearly indicating the paper main topic, avoiding data, formulas, abbreviations and symbols. A maximum of six authors is permitted appearing in consecutive order accordingly to the relevance of their contribution to the paper, and have to be written in 10 point Arial font. The abstract should contain a maximum of 250 words and have to be written in both English and Spanish. The abstract should present the addressed problem, the methodology, the main results and relevant conclusions. The abstract should not include data, formulas, abbreviations, symbols, citations or references to figures and tables that appear in the text.


Keywords: component; formatting; style; key words for bibliographic search (a minimum of 3 words is required and a maximum 10 words is permitted. The key words facilitate the bibliographical search in the information databases).




Es necesario escribir el resumen en inglés y español, al igual que las palabras clave. Se recomienda a los autores tener especial cuidado con la redacción en inglés, de manera que el artículo sea claro y presente una estructura gramatical adecuada. Errores gramaticales pueden ser causa del rechazo de su artículo.


Palabras clave: componentes; formato; estilo; palabras para revisión bibliográfica (mínimo tres, máximo diez palabras útiles para la indización del artículo).



This title should not be numbered, it is written in bold and centered using capital letters. The introduction includes the following aspects: description and a brief justification of the addressed problem, background and related literature, relevance and contribution of the developed work, fundamental concepts, and the document organization.


                                           1. PRESENTATION OF THE MANUSCRIPT

Articles should include: preliminary section, body of the manuscript and final section. 


The preliminary section includes title, author’s information, written abstract in English and Spanish, and the key words in English and Spanish.



The body of the manuscript is composed of the following subsections: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussions, and conclusions.

Materials and methods subsection describes the materials, the techniques or the applied methodologies, with samples, variables, measurement instruments and protocols used during the research. The content of this subsection depends on the nature of the research (Scientific and technological research paper, Reflective paper and Review paper).

The results should be clearly presented and supported by data, figures, photos, diagrams and other necessary elements with their corresponding explanations accordingly to the presented problem. The analysis should present the strengths of the results and the contributions in the field of study.

Conclusions should summarize the main results and highlight the importance of the research results.


The final section includes the acknowledgments (optional) and references.


                                           2. FORMATTING THE DOCUMENT

The document must be written using this template, and it should not exceed 20 letter sized pages (21.5 cm x 25 cm). Please use Arial font at 12 points and single spaced paragraphs. Tables, graphics, pictures and images can be presented in color or gray scale.

Please avoid submitting contributions that are under publication or peer reviewed process on other journals or conferences.


All main titles (Sections) should be numbered with exception of the Introduction, Acknowledgements and References. These titles must be centered and written in bold Arial font and using capital letters (i.e., 1. MATERIALS AND METHODS).

All Subtitles (Subsections) are numbered and aligned to the left using bold capital letters (i.e., 1.1 METHODOLOGY).

The subtitle sections are numbered and aligned to the left using bold letters (i.e., 1.1.1 Component proportions). Avoid further heading levels and if necessary please use bulleted lists.

It is recommended to use transition paragraphs between subtitles and subtitle section.


2.2.1     Equations

Equations should be written with any equation editor[CA1]  and presented through consecutive numbers written within parentheses, as in (1). Equations, symbols and mathematical expressions written in paragraphs have to be presented in italic. The equation symbols and variables must be described before or immediately after the equation is presented. To cross reference the equation within the paper use “(1)” or “Equation (1)” when beginning a sentence.


                                                                                                                                                                                                            ax^2+bx+c =0                                                                                                                             (1)

2.2.2     Tables y figures

Tables and figures must be centered and they have to be presented after their corresponding citation in the text. Figures and tables caption must be organized consecutively according to their placement within the document.

Figure captions are positioned under the image using Arial font at 10 points as presented in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Acquisition and signal processing Module.

Source: Lina Peñuela, 2014.


Figures must be submitted in one of the following formats: PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (.EPS), Tagged Image File Format (.TIFF), Portable Document Format (.PDF), or Portable Network Graphics (.PNG), with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. Please remember the importance of clear and readable images for your contribution; the author is responsible for submitting high quality figures.

When required, variable magnitudes can be expressed within parentheses (i.e., Volume (ml)) using the SI units.

Table captions must appear above the table and centered using Arial font at 10 points. Remember to give credit to the authors by placing the source below de table as presented in Table 1.


Table 1. Frequency vs Amplitud

    Frequency Range (MHz)

    Amplitude (V)







Source: The authors.


                                           3. FINAL INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION

Authors are invited to send their contribution by using the Open Journal System The main document must correspond to a copy of the manuscript without including the data of the authors and the acknowledgments to ensure an anonymous evaluation. As complementary files, you must send a copy of the manuscript that includes the data of the authors and the acknowledgments, and the Copyright form. In the Copyright from all authors must sign ensuring the novelty of the paper, non-infringement of any other copyright from the authors or third parties, or has not been published elsewhere or submitted for publishing to any other printing or electronic media.

The reviewing process is composed of the following procedures: The Editorial Committee assesses the quality and relevance of the contribution; if approved peers are selected for double blinded reviewing process. From the process, the author may be notified with one of the following results:


Accepted, with minor changes

Accepted, with relevant changes and second review



Once the peer evaluation is received, the Editor sends the decision and the peer observation to authors. In case of acceptation, the authors correct and return the article to the Editor, including a letter listing the corrections and responses to peer comments about the article. Whether it is required, the Editor sends back the authors' modifications to the peers for approval. When the article has the final approval, it is sent to style review.  If the article is rejected, the Editor sends the peers' observations and evaluation to the authors.




This title is written in Arabic numbers, bold and centered using capital letters. The conclusions should be based on the presented objectives and obtained results within the context of the problem.



This title should be centered and bold, using capital letters without numeration. In this section authors may acknowledge any recognitions to people, institutions, projects, funds, research scholarships, etc. that supported the development of the research.




The title should be centered and written with bold capital letters without numbers. References should appear through the text consecutively within brackets (i.e., [1]), and if required several references may be cited using the form [1-5].


The references should include the DOI of each document, if available. For references, note:



[1]     Surname, A.A. (year). Title of book. City of publication, Country of publication: Publisher, pp. xxx-xxx.

Journal article:

[2]     Surname, A.A., Surname, B.B. and Surname, C.C. (year). Title of Article. Title of Journal, volume(number), pp. xxx-xxx. doi: xxx

Article presented in conference:

[3]     Surname, A.A. and Surname, B.B. (year, month). “Title of Article”. Presented in Conference title, City, Country. doi: xxx

Internet pages:

[4]     Surname, A.A., Surname, B.B. and Surname, C.C. (year). Title of the document or the website. Retrieved from: URL.


[5]     Surname, A.A. (year). Title of doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis. Name of Institution, Location.


Anti-plagiarism policy: The magazine submits all items to review in the Turnitin Ephorus platform for the detection of plagiarism and anti-plagiarism.

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The names and email addresses entered in the Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.