
  • Academia y Virtualidad

    The Journal Academia y Virtualidad is an open access refereed scientific publication that has the purpose of being a channel to disseminate knowledge in educational sciences. Its central themes are: research developments on distance and virtual education, practices and experiences related to pedagogical work and higher education under the distance learning methodology, virtual environments, and information and communication technologies (ICT). The magazine also accepts works related to other educational experiences

    The journal publishes unpublished articles that respond to criteria of relevance, originality and thematic relevance, written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It is aimed at teachers, researchers, students and organizations involved in the research or application of knowledge in the different specialties of the educational sciences

    The frequency of publication is biannual: the first issue is published in the January-June period, and the second in the July-December period in electronic format.

    The journal accepts contributions in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

  • Ciencia e Ingenieria Neogranadina

    Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina is an open access refereed scientific journal aimed at different communities of teachers and researchers both in the national and international context. Its purpose is to be a channel to disseminate knowledge in all disciplinary areas of engineering and related sciences, regarding the results of scientific and technological research showing positive impacts on society. The journal publishes unpublished articles resulting from research and innovation in the field of engineering that respond to criteria of relevance, originality, and thematic relevance.

    The journal is published biyearly: The first issue is published in the January-June period, and the second in the July-December period, in electronic format. The printed version responds merely to promotional purposes and is printed in accordance with the legal deposit guidelines.

     You can review the journal citation statistics at

  • Revista Facultad de Ciencias Básicas

    Revista Facultad de Ciencias Básicas is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal whose aim is to serve as a channel for knowledge dissemination on Chemical and Biological Sciences in general, with a particular emphasis on biotechnology, biodiversity and conservation, ecology, natural products, molecular modeling, environmentalchemistry and  inorganic chemistry.

  • Prolegómenos 

    La Revista Prolegómenos es una publicación científica arbitrada de acceso abierto que tiene el propósito de ser un canal de difusión del conocimiento en las Ciencias sociales, a nivel general, con un enfoque particular en derecho. Sus temáticas son: sociología del derecho, filosofía del derecho, derecho público, teoría del derecho y derecho privado.

    La revista publica artículos inéditos que responden a criterios de relevancia; originalidad y pertinencia temática; escritos en español; inglés y portugués. Está dirigida a profesores; investigadores; estudiantes; y a organizaciones involucradas en la investigación o aplicación del conocimiento. La frecuencia de publicación es semestral: el primer número se publica en el periodo enero-junio; y el segundo en el periodo julio-diciembre; en el formato electrónico.

  • Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Approach and Scope

    Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas is an open-source refereed journal intended to being a channel to disseminate knowledge related to administrative, accounting and economic disciplines. Its topics are accounting, management, strategy, finances, business, entrepreneurship and business innovation.

    Its main objective is to become a platform in which different communities of researchers make contributions about the reality of the economy and organizations, both in the Colombian and in the Ibero-American context, for the construction of development models that respond to a multiple and complex reality.

    The journal publishes unpublished articles that respond to criteria of relevance, originality and thematic relevance, written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It is aimed at professors and researchers, and at organizations involved in research or application of knowledge in the different specialties of administrative, accounting and economic sciences. It is not aimed at undergraduate students or to contribute in co-authorship with them, but it is aimed at students of Master's or Doctorates. To reduce institutional endogamy, contributions from members of the New Granada community (officials, students, teachers, directors, etc.) are not accepted.

    Frequency of publication is biannual: the first issue is published in the January-June period, and the second in the July-December period, in electronic format. The printed version responds merely to promotional purposes and only the copies necessary to comply with the requirements of the Legal Deposit in Colombia are printed.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética

    Approach and Scope

    Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética is an open access peer-reviewed scientific publication whose aim is to serve as channel of knowledge dissemination on Bioethics and its inter-disciplinary dialogue with other areas, such as health sciences, humanities and social sciences. 

    Its main objective is to become a platform, in which different research communities contribute to the field of Bioethics, both in the Colombian and Ibero-American contexts, for the construction of development models that respond to a multiple and complex reality.

    The journal issues unpublished articles that meet criteria of relevance, originality, and thematic significance, and that are written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. It addresses professors, researchers, students, and organizations involved in the research or application of knowledge in the various areas of Bioethics.

    The frequency of publication is semi-annual; the first edition is issued in the January–June period while the second corresponds to July–December, in electronic format. The print version is available on request, for promotional purposes only.

  • Revista Med

    Revista Med is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal whose aim is to serve as a channel for knowledge dissemination on Health Sciences in general, with a particular emphasis on medicine.

    Its main objective is to become a platform, in which different research communities contribute to the medical field, both in the Colombian and Ibero-American contexts, for the construction of development models that respond to a multiple and complex reality.

  • Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad

    Approach and Scope

    Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal whose aim is to serve as a channel for knowledge dissemination on Social Sciences in general, with a particular emphasis on International Relations and Global Security. Its main themes are international law, politics, organized crime, immigration, foreign policy, international economic and environmental affairs, geopolitics, and the main sub-themes resulting from studies on global security in International Relations.

    Its main objective is to become a platform, in which different research communities contribute to the reality of global security and International Relations, both in the Colombian and Ibero-American contexts, for the construction of development models that respond to a multiple and complex reality.

    The journal issues unpublished articles that meet criteria of relevance, originality, and thematic significance, written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. It addresses professors, researchers, teachers, policymakers and organizations involved in the research or application of knowledge in the various areas of International Relations.

    The frequency of publication is semi-annual; the first edition is issued in the January–June period while the second corresponds to July–December, in electronic format. The print version is available on request, for promotional purposes only.

  • Criterios Revista Estudiantes Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Criterios Revista de estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, es el espacio de difusion académica de los estudiantes de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Los documentos que publica la revista abarcan áreas disciplinares e interdisciolinares de la Administración de empresas, Contaduría Pública y Economía.

    Está abierta a trabajos derivados de investigacion formativa, investigacion en el aula e investigacion aplicada de estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado de las ciencias económicas. 

  • Education and Social Development Journal

    La Revista Educación y Desarrollo Social es una publicación científica arbitrada de acceso abierto que tiene el propósito de ser un canal de difusión del conocimiento en las Ciencias sociales, a nivel general, con un enfoque particular en la educación. Sus temáticas son: epistemología, gestión y políticas educativas, didácticas; sociología de la educación; y en el desarrollo social, la promoción de la equidad y reducción de la pobreza, gobernabilidad, desarrollo sostenible y medio ambiente, economía social y cooperativa, educación y cultura, género, familia e infancia.

    La revista publica artículos inéditos que responden a criterios de relevancia; originalidad y pertinencia temática; escritos en español; inglés y portugués. Está dirigida a profesores; investigadores; estudiantes; y a organizaciones involucradas en la investigación o aplicación del conocimiento. La frecuencia de publicación es semestral: el primer número se publica en el periodo enero-junio; y el segundo en el periodo julio-diciembre; en el formato electrónico.