Approach to stimulate innovation and research program (PEII). humanities, arts and education case-ucv

  • Mirian Carmona Rodríguez Universidad Central de Venezuela
Keywords: Production of knowledge, PEII, UCV, humanities, arts, education


The present work carried out a study regarding the approximate analysis of partial data, obtained by the first and second call of the Programa de Estímulo a la Innovación e Investigación (PEII), from the República Bolivariana de Venezuela, and through a descriptive dissertation. The sample is taken from data obtained by applicants and accredited students in the PEII. To accomplish this, the work describes the number of applicants who aspired to be qualified by the program, chosen between researchers and innovators. It reports the number of those accredited by evaluating and reviewing commissions, by category and level, by region, by academic and research institutions, by gender and age, with emphasis in humanities, art, and education, belonging to the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). At a national level for the first call made in 2011, the results show a total of 8.803 applicants and 7.808 accredited ones (267 innovators plus 7541 researchers). The greatest number of accredited was given by the ULA, followed by the LUZ and the UCV. The latter presented 10.10%of the total accredited in a national level. The area of humanities, arts, and education represented a 16.65%of the total accredited. In the UCV 61 reported accredited, 20 coming from the education area. From these facts it concludes that for the first time in the history of Venezuela innovators have been acknowledged and included in the production of the knowledge system. A second conclusion would be an increase in the number of researchers in comparison with preceding programs, achieved with the public policies established by the Ley Orgánica de Tecnología e Innovación (LOCTI).

Author Biography

Mirian Carmona Rodríguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Investigadora Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y Ex Gerente Nacional del PEII, MppCTI.


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Author Biography

Mirian Carmona Rodríguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Investigadora Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y Ex Gerente Nacional del PEII, MppCTI.


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How to Cite
Carmona Rodríguez, M. (2013). Approach to stimulate innovation and research program (PEII). humanities, arts and education case-ucv. Education and Social Development Journal, 8(1), 134–147.
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