An acoustic thermography as an additional support to infrared thermography

  • Rodney Ernesto Reyna Regnoult Universidad Simon Bolivar
  • Carlos Eduardo González Universidad Central de Venezuela
Keywords: Acoustic thermography, infrared thermography, gas flow.


A contrast in thermography is related to variations in temperature and emissions of surfaces analyzed. Typically, the interest focuses on temperature profiles, but they may be partly biased by the emissivity effect. Reflections on surface of system parts with radiation coming from other inner places as well as the effect of convective flows represent problems hindering a reading of thermal images in non-destructive tests. In this paper we developed a data acquisition system for 2D acoustic thermography to identify the effect of a convective flow reflection and complement the reading of images got by infrared thermography. So 40-kHz ultrasonic transducers were used to capture acoustic data, and we could obtain the temperature distribution in stationary conditions by hot air –gas– convection generated from heating components near surface.

Author Biographies

Rodney Ernesto Reyna Regnoult, Universidad Simon Bolivar
Lic., Profesor Instructor del Departamento de Formación General y Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela.
Carlos Eduardo González, Universidad Central de Venezuela
M.Sc. Profesor agregado Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.


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Author Biographies

Rodney Ernesto Reyna Regnoult, Universidad Simon Bolivar
Lic., Profesor Instructor del Departamento de Formación General y Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela.
Carlos Eduardo González, Universidad Central de Venezuela
M.Sc. Profesor agregado Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Reyna Regnoult, R. E., & González, C. E. (2011). An acoustic thermography as an additional support to infrared thermography. Ciencia E Ingenieria Neogranadina, 21(1), 5–16.


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