Determinación de las constantes cinéticas y estequiométricas en un biorreactor de lodos activados convencional a escala (laboratorio para las aguas residuales de un frigorífico)

  • Tatiana Rodríguez Chaparro Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Eddie Albert Pérez Navarrete Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Eneydi Vivas Mora Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Keywords: kinetics, stechiometric, bioreactor, sludge age, activated sludge


The activated sludge process is the one of the most efficient process, when it comes to removal of organics matter. Implementing in the lab is quite easy, economic technically feasible, and simultaneously offers the possibility of using the results obtained in the lab to be aoolied in field by determining the kinetic and stechiometric constans. The activated sludge system was designed, built and operated in the water quality lab, at the Military University in Bogotá, Colombia. The bioreactor has an aeration chamber, a sedimentation tank and a feeding source with waste water taken from "a meat-packing planta" in Bogotá. The research was carried out for 3 months, in two stages as follows: In the first stage and in order to obtain a high concentration of biomass the acclimatizing process was carried out. This step allows the bioreactor to run in a continuous flow. In the second stage, the bio-reactor was taken in to operation and fed with the acclimated sludge at different sludge ages. This would allow us to determine the kinetics, and the stechiometric constants. The bio-reactor was ran with a hydraulic retention time of 8 hours and for different sludge ages (5, 10, and 15 days). The system was monitored with a daily grab samples, and pH, temperature as well as the DBO5 and suspended volatile solids were determined.

Author Biographies

Tatiana Rodríguez Chaparro, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Ingeniera Civil, Magister en Ingeniería Civil - Ambiental de la Universidad de los Andes. Docente tiempo completo Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Programa de Ingeniería Civil.

Eddie Albert Pérez Navarrete, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Estudiante de décimo semestre, Programa de Ingeniería Civil.

Eneydi Vivas Mora, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Estudiante de décimo semestre, Programa de Ingeniería Civil.


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Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Author Biographies

Tatiana Rodríguez Chaparro, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Ingeniera Civil, Magister en Ingeniería Civil - Ambiental de la Universidad de los Andes. Docente tiempo completo Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Programa de Ingeniería Civil.

Eddie Albert Pérez Navarrete, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Estudiante de décimo semestre, Programa de Ingeniería Civil.

Eneydi Vivas Mora, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Estudiante de décimo semestre, Programa de Ingeniería Civil.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Chaparro, T., Pérez Navarrete, E. A., & Vivas Mora, E. (2003). Determinación de las constantes cinéticas y estequiométricas en un biorreactor de lodos activados convencional a escala (laboratorio para las aguas residuales de un frigorífico). Ciencia E Ingenieria Neogranadina, 13(1), 9–16.


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