Libro de actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sociojurídicos: transición a la paz, justicia y bioética en el siglo XXI

Tomo II

Keywords: peace, political transition, transition to democracy, transition to peace, transitional justice, armed conflict, special jurisdiction for peace, bioethics, peace in Colombia


These reports contain a synopsis of the conferences and research advances (presentations) made at the I International Congress of Socio-legal Studies: Transition to peace, justice, and bioethics in the 21st century, held on November 12 and 13, 2020 in the Maximum Virtual Classroom of the New Granada Military University (UMNG), Bogotá-Colombia.

The Research Group Network of Comparative Socio-Legal Studies and Public Policies (RESCYPP) and the International Observatory of the Transition to Peace (Obitpaz) of the Research Center of the Faculty of Law Headquarters Campus of the Nueva Granada Military University of Colombia (UMNG), with support of the Ibero-American Research Network on the transition to peace (Iberpaz), organized this international and serial event, the first edition of which proposed the debate among academics from Colombia, Spain, Italy, and Mexico.

The topics specifically addressed were: 1) Transition to peace, philosophical and constitutional foundations; 2) Transition to peace, security and military forces; 3) Political transitions and territorial peace; 4) Transitional justice, characteristics and political-legal foundations; 5) Transition to peace and bioethics: relationships and contributions; 6) The Special Jurisdiction for La Paz (jep), International Courts of Peace and International Criminal Law; 7) Transitional Justice, society and business; 8) Transition to peace, paramilitarism and organized crime. The murder of social leaders.

The main achievement of this scientific meeting was the establishment of common cultural traits and academic interests despite the great differences between the Latin American and European countries that were the object of study. The proximity of experiences has been verified, from the legal, historical, and political point of view, that contribute to a better understanding of our conflictive societies and the formulation of alternatives, in addition to confirming the great utility of this type of international scientific cooperation.

Author Biography

Melba Luz Calle Meza, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Doctora summa cum laude en Derecho, Universidad de Zaragoza, España. Profesora de Derecho y Teoría Constitucional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Directora del Observatorio de Género y paz (Ogepaz), ESAENG, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Coordinadora para Latinoamérica de la Red Iberoamericana de la Transición a la paz (Iberpaz).

Author Biography

Melba Luz Calle Meza, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Doctora summa cum laude en Derecho, Universidad de Zaragoza, España. Profesora de Derecho y Teoría Constitucional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Directora del Observatorio de Género y paz (Ogepaz), ESAENG, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Coordinadora para Latinoamérica de la Red Iberoamericana de la Transición a la paz (Iberpaz).

How to Cite
Calle Meza, M. L. (2024). Libro de actas del I Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sociojurídicos: transición a la paz, justicia y bioética en el siglo XXI: Tomo II. Working Papers and Documents.