Checkmate to Bioethics?

The Case Of COVID-19


Bioethics, as the first cousin of philosophy, suffers from what philosopher Hegel told us during his lifetime, “When philosophy paints lights and shadows, an aspect of life has grown old, and cannot be rejuvenated, but only understood. Minerva’s owl takes flight only during sundown”. The problem is how to fight an invisible opponent. What to do when your opponent enters your body and kills you from the inside? This pandemic has taken away out trust in the “Other,” even if they are our parents or children, since it turns a simple act of love —a kiss or a hug— into a deadly weapon. No one, not the richest nor the poorest country, was prepared for this. The covid-19 pandemic has put the world in check and proposes a new planetary order. Bioethics must take its most reflective streak, understand the phenomenon, and draw lessons from this heartbreaking experience so that we do not make the same mistakes again that are costing us so many bitter tears and deaths.

I will present in this editorial some points that may help us to continue the debate and possibly reach agreements on how to advance in a post-COVID-19 world. Readers will find too and editorial note on our journals' numeration system.

In the name of the editorial board of Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética and my own, we dedicate this issue to the heroes of this pandemic, the health professionals (doctors, nurses, para- medics, to name just a few) who have risked their lives for the most vulnerable and feeble, those who have suffered the agony of this utterly heartless coronavirus disease.


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Referencias bibliográficas

Hegel F. Filosofía del derecho. Mendoza de Montero A, translator. Buenos Aires: Editorial Claridad; 1937.

Kant I. La metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos; 2005

Camps V. COVID-19: “Libertad individual vs. bien común”. Available from:

Maschke K, Gusmano MK. Ethics and Evidence in the Search for a Vaccine and Treatments for COVID-19. In: COVID-19, Hastings Bioethics Forum; 2020.

Jaspers K. Introducción a la Filosofía. Barcelona; Edit. Círculo de Lectores, Col. Círculo Universidad; 1989.

World Health Organization [WHO]. Ethics and COVID-19: resource allocation and priority-setting; 2020. Available from:

Organización Panamericana de la Salud [OPS]. Orientación ética sobre cuestiones planteadas por la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19); 2020. Available from:

World Health Organization [WHO]. Guidance for managing ethical issues in infectious disease outbreaks; 2016. Available from:

World Health Organization [WHO]. Consideraciones éticas en el desarrollo de una respuesta de salud pública a la gripe pandémica; 2007. Available from:

Organización Panamericana de la Salud [OPS]. Consulta de ética sobre el zika: Orientación ética sobre cuestiones clave planteadas por el brote (2015). Available from:

Fernández CF, Suárez R. La dura realidad de los médicos colombianos frente a la pandemia. El Tiempo. 2020 Mar 27. Available from:

Cómo citar
Garzón Díaz, F. A. (2020). Checkmate to Bioethics? The Case Of COVID-19. Revista Latinoamericana De Bioética, 20(1), 7–10.


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