Humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales

  • Carlos A. Arias I. Universidad de Aarhus
  • Hans Brix Universidad de Aarhus
Palabras clave: constructed wetland, wastewater, phosphorous reduction, nitrification, absorption, suspended solids, biologic oxygen demand


The development of constructed wetland technology for wastewater treatment has gone a long way and from an experimental and unknown empirical method,  which was capable of handling wastewater a sound technology was developed. Thanks to research, and the work of many public and private companies that have gather valuable operation information, constructed wetland technology  has evolved to be a relievable, versatile and effective way to treat wastewater, run off, handle sludge and even improve environmental quality and provide recreation sites,  while maintaining low operation and maintenance costs, and at the same time, producing water of quality that can meet stringet regulations, while being and enviromental friendly solution to treat wastewaters. Constructed wetlands can be established in many different ways and its characteristics can differ greatly, according to the user needs, the geographic site and even the climatic conditions of the area. The following article deals with the general characteristics of the technology and physical and chemical phenomena that govern the pollution reduction with in the different available systems.


Biografía del autor/a

Carlos A. Arias I., Universidad de Aarhus
Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Magister en Ingeniería Ambiental Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. Candidado al doctorado (Ph. D) de la misma Universidad. Investigador Departamento de Ecología de Plantas, Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca).
Hans Brix, Universidad de Aarhus
Ph. D. Director del Departamento de Ecología de Plantas, Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca).


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Agencias de apoyo:

Universidad de Aarhus

Biografía del autor/a

Carlos A. Arias I., Universidad de Aarhus
Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Magister en Ingeniería Ambiental Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. Candidado al doctorado (Ph. D) de la misma Universidad. Investigador Departamento de Ecología de Plantas, Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca).
Hans Brix, Universidad de Aarhus
Ph. D. Director del Departamento de Ecología de Plantas, Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca).

Referencias bibliográficas

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Cómo citar
Arias I., C. A., & Brix, H. (2003). Humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales. Ciencia E Ingeniería Neogranadina, 13(1), 17–24.


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